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Acquir. purchases of magnitude (the awareness of ELISA for p24 is approximately 1 ng/mL). This immunosensor could be put on scientific examples, being recognized by its simplicity, mild response conditions, assured reproducibility, and great anti-interference ability. solid course=”kwd-title” Keywords: HIV, p24, sandwich amperometric immunosensor, immediate electroplating 1. Launch Acquired immune insufficiency syndrome (Helps) is certainly a serious communicable immune insufficiency disease due to the human immune deficiency virus (HIV). According to serological reactions, HIV is categorized into HIV-1 and HIV-2, which differ largely in their nucleotide sequences. However, HIV-2 is largely restricted to some regions of Western Africa and HIV-1 is found in most HIV strains worldwide, including China. There are still no efficacious therapeutic measures. Prevention Csf2 of infection is the primary strategy to control HIV. The analysis laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection is a crucial aspect of controlling AIDS. Therefore, a sensitive and practical detection method to monitor, diagnose, and screen HIV infection is especially important for controlling AIDS. Currently, common methods for screening HIV infection in clinical practice include enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA) based on a color reaction and quantitative fluorescence polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based on nucleotide amplification. ELISA is an accurate and high-performance method, but has some disadvantages such as tedious procedures, high-volume sample consumption, a long time requirement, low sensitivity, and a long detection window phase (see next paragraph). Therefore, it cannot be conducted within a short time in units with a rapid personnel flow (blood stations and clearance ports). Real-time PCR is an ideal quantitative method for diagnosing HIV, but high cost and complexity limit its use to primary medical institutions, especially in distal regions. Furthermore, in special situations, especially before emergency surgery, patients should be screened rapidly, but conventional methods are not capable of meeting the requirements due to their low sensitivity and specificity, time consumption, and complicated operations. For reasons of privacy and the fear of discrimination, high-risk populations are often willing to test themselves but not to go to hospital or centers for disease prevention. Consequently, a simple, rapid, sensitive, specific, and inexpensive HIV screening technique and corresponding portable instruments are required, and would be of great significance in preventing and controlling AIDS propagation. HIV p24 antigens appear at an earlier stage of HIV infection than antibodies, which is due to an explosive replication of the virus following acute infection and is correlated with highly infectious Angiotensin 1/2 (1-9) viraemia. Early detection of HIV p24 would be of great value in the Angiotensin 1/2 (1-9) early detection of HIV infection, blood screening, neonatal HIV infection, and the surveillance of therapeutic efficacy and disease progression. However, after acute HIV infection, specific antibodies occurring in the body combine with p24 antigens to form immune complexes, causing the free antigen concentration to become too low to be detectable, this period is called window phase. Although it Angiotensin 1/2 (1-9) cannot be detected during this period, there is already HIV existing in the body and can be passed on to others. Therefore, there is a need to develop a novel highly sensitive method to directly identify p24 antigens at window phase. The detection of p24 proteins is mostly conducted by ELISA. The fourth-generation HIV antibody ELISA detection kits that are currently in widespread use can also detect p24 protein. We have conducted several pilot studies on electrochemical immunoassay of p24 proteins [1]. However, most of these methods have been based on a one-step protocol, based on the nonconductive property of proteins. When antigens are captured by antibodies on the surface of electrodes, they will form.